
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Man, I am sooo pissed.

I got stood up today. Three times.

What a waste of time, energy, and even "money" (as if I have it). Maybe I was born to be left alone or something. Or maybe it's just karma for my lack of punctuality the past year. But eventhough my overblown tardiness get into people's nerves, I was still present. And when I'm there, I'm there. I make my presence and even my absence count. Well, maybe because I'm the "leader", duh. A followerless leader, maybe. Why oh why do these often happen? Wala bang naaawa sa akin? I was even early today! Too early for my "regular" standards.

Time: 1030 hours

Got a District Meeting at DasmariƱas, Cavite. My "companion". Did. Not. Show. Up. Nor Call. Nor Text. Lovely.


Time: 1600 hours

Got a Visitation schedule. Man, I sent alot of Lahatxt to make it happen. Guess what? ZERO Attendance.


Time: 2000 hours

Got a weekly caucus schedule. A few came. And I mean FEW. Two, three, maybe. So we cancelled it. What a waste. Now I'm pissed.


I'll remember these times tomorrow. These kids need another wake-up call.


11:00 PM
2 Episode Reviews

Back in the Game

Sunday, January 21, 2007

At last, a whole new entry! It's been like what - 5 months? Whew!

It's been a pretty eventful and unforgettable new year. 2007 is actually looking bright from where I'm at. Alot have changed. Damn. New friends. Weight gain. Lessons learned. And a bunch of rediscovery and realization. Caroline once said to me that I'm being too senti and emo in my "writings". I wonder if I can change that this year. All I need is some spunk, spice, and everything nice. Bleh. Man, It's a slooow morning for me. Hehe.

Not that anyone care, but a few of my collegues might have noticed that I've been pretty much secluding myself from society. For the past weeks since classes started, I walked and wandered in isolation. I went home early everyday, missed genmeets, avoided tambay, even conversations took me much effort. And I lost all interest in texting! Imagine that. Maybe I just didn't have that "grand entrance to 2007" I was wishing for. So like what I said, time for rediscovery, readjustment, and reevaluation.

And man, did I discover alot. The more I got boring, the more new insights I absorb. Adjustments were rough. But I'm happy. Now I know I'm equipped with tools I need to "move on". How exciting. Heh.

For me, the new year starts here. NOW.

Happy new year, everyone.

7:36 AM
1 Episode Reviews


Philip Marco 'PEPz' Caballes

"Making Things Happen..."


1. Maintain a Good Blog Site.
2. Be More In Touch With Friends and Acquaintances.
3. Drive, Drive, Drive. More!
4. Be Healthy.
5. Participate more on Campus Extra-curricular Activities.
6. Preserve Priceless Moments with Photography.
7. Have a Complete and Cool Wardrobe.
8. Own a Kick-Ass Multimedia Collection.
9. Redesign Our New Room.
10. Start Singing Again.
11. Be An Early Bird.
12. Have Stable Finances.
13. Have a Very Good Reading List.
14. Be More Organized.
15. Make My Very First Dokyu.
16. Focus More On Academics
17. Practice Good Computer Science.
18. Learn Tennis.
19. Rejuvenate PNK Gardenia.
20. Strengthen KADBin's Leadership.
21. Have a Closer Relationship with God.



Mar 19 - KADBin Paint Job
Mar 20 - Geol 11 Exam
- Sleepover @ my house
Mar 22 - CS 120 Project Final Demo
- KADBin Execom Caucus
Mar 23 - Church Clean-Up Drive
- CS 165 Project Final Demo
Mar 24 - Day of the "Sabbath"
Mar 25 - Holy Supper
- KADBin Officers Meeting


June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007



Aivan, The Chiaroscuro
Cai, The Pink Urinal
Caroline, The Trying-Hard Miss Priss
Deng, The Star Diva
Emman, The Balbahutog
Eric, The Smart Talker
Gnihc, The Chubby Anorexic
Faith, The Canvas of Pop Artist
Franco, The Forgetful Francoman
Jean.Movie, The Anagramatic
Jem, The Experienced
Jen, The Exponentially Complex Iskolar
Kamille, The Raindrop Catcher
Keg, The Sexy Crissie
Len, The Blogger
Louis, Technofied
Mich, The Cosmochiq
Mishi, The Innocent Soul
Renz, The Brainfreeze
Roan, The Anti-Cueshe
Shiok, The Filipino Worker from Singapore
Starmometer, The Pop Culture Analyzer
Trish, The Carnaval
TristanJed, The Scrollbar
Unaiza, The Fifteenth Octoberian

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