Thursday, April 05, 2007

I thought I could endure any form of punishment, as long as my grades would not suffer the consequences. But this was just too much.

After 6 nights of waiting, at last, I received the text message I've been waiting for:

"anak confrmed na ang alis ntin mmya. txt na lng kta kung wat tym ka pnta"

I was in UP then, checking what miracle I could muster for my dark future in academics. At last, we won't have to hide from anyone who are still thinking we already left the country. Geez.

It sucked how that good news became the bearer of my day's misery.

It all started as a bad stomach ache after I ate a 711 tuna sandwich and mini-slurpee. My tummy started to rumble while I'm on the MRT on my way to Dad's office. Nothing I could not handle, I thought. Just wait.

Dad and I met up somewhere in Nichols and he brought me to Lufthansa Technik, his beloved company. That was my first visit for ages so I need to build a good impression as the son of a Division Manager. Ehem. I proudly strut through the parking lot with my Pop. Ang angas (kuno). Then I remembered. Oops! I forgot my ID sa kotse.

"Pa, pahiram ng susi, naiwan ko ID ko sa kotse."

I ran back. Opened the car. Got my ID. Then locked the doors.

Guess what I don't have? THE KEYS.

Oh DAMN. That almost killed me. We are leaving for the airport in half an hour. My dad's waiting just a few meters away. ALL our bags is in the freakin' vehicle. I was panicking, screaming my lungs out inside. What the hell am I going to do?!

Then I remembered. We are supposed to meet Ma in an hour and we have extra keys BACK AT HOME! Now if I could just text her to get 'em. Bring the keys here. Wishing they are still at home, no traffic, and all this could be done in an hour without Dad knowing! Whew! Talk about MISYON IM-PO-SIB-LE.

But I had to do it. I walked frantically back to Dad. I looked like I just killed someone. Now I know what cold sweat is. I was pale and I don't know what to say. Dad noticed.

"Oh, bakit? Nakuha mo na ID mo?"

Should I spill? Or do I execute my oh-so-NOT-genius plan? 'Til next post.

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12:41 PM
2 Episode Reviews


Philip Marco 'PEPz' Caballes

"Making Things Happen..."


1. Maintain a Good Blog Site.
2. Be More In Touch With Friends and Acquaintances.
3. Drive, Drive, Drive. More!
4. Be Healthy.
5. Participate more on Campus Extra-curricular Activities.
6. Preserve Priceless Moments with Photography.
7. Have a Complete and Cool Wardrobe.
8. Own a Kick-Ass Multimedia Collection.
9. Redesign Our New Room.
10. Start Singing Again.
11. Be An Early Bird.
12. Have Stable Finances.
13. Have a Very Good Reading List.
14. Be More Organized.
15. Make My Very First Dokyu.
16. Focus More On Academics
17. Practice Good Computer Science.
18. Learn Tennis.
19. Rejuvenate PNK Gardenia.
20. Strengthen KADBin's Leadership.
21. Have a Closer Relationship with God.



Mar 19 - KADBin Paint Job
Mar 20 - Geol 11 Exam
- Sleepover @ my house
Mar 22 - CS 120 Project Final Demo
- KADBin Execom Caucus
Mar 23 - Church Clean-Up Drive
- CS 165 Project Final Demo
Mar 24 - Day of the "Sabbath"
Mar 25 - Holy Supper
- KADBin Officers Meeting


June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007



Aivan, The Chiaroscuro
Cai, The Pink Urinal
Caroline, The Trying-Hard Miss Priss
Deng, The Star Diva
Emman, The Balbahutog
Eric, The Smart Talker
Gnihc, The Chubby Anorexic
Faith, The Canvas of Pop Artist
Franco, The Forgetful Francoman
Jean.Movie, The Anagramatic
Jem, The Experienced
Jen, The Exponentially Complex Iskolar
Kamille, The Raindrop Catcher
Keg, The Sexy Crissie
Len, The Blogger
Louis, Technofied
Mich, The Cosmochiq
Mishi, The Innocent Soul
Renz, The Brainfreeze
Roan, The Anti-Cueshe
Shiok, The Filipino Worker from Singapore
Starmometer, The Pop Culture Analyzer
Trish, The Carnaval
TristanJed, The Scrollbar
Unaiza, The Fifteenth Octoberian

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