Thursday, April 05, 2007

I thought I could endure any form of punishment, as long as my grades would not suffer the consequences. But this was just too much.

After 6 nights of waiting, at last, I received the text message I've been waiting for:

"anak confrmed na ang alis ntin mmya. txt na lng kta kung wat tym ka pnta"

I was in UP then, checking what miracle I could muster for my dark future in academics. At last, we won't have to hide from anyone who are still thinking we already left the country. Geez.

It sucked how that good news became the bearer of my day's misery.

It all started as a bad stomach ache after I ate a 711 tuna sandwich and mini-slurpee. My tummy started to rumble while I'm on the MRT on my way to Dad's office. Nothing I could not handle, I thought. Just wait.

Dad and I met up somewhere in Nichols and he brought me to Lufthansa Technik, his beloved company. That was my first visit for ages so I need to build a good impression as the son of a Division Manager. Ehem. I proudly strut through the parking lot with my Pop. Ang angas (kuno). Then I remembered. Oops! I forgot my ID sa kotse.

"Pa, pahiram ng susi, naiwan ko ID ko sa kotse."

I ran back. Opened the car. Got my ID. Then locked the doors.

Guess what I don't have? THE KEYS.

Oh DAMN. That almost killed me. We are leaving for the airport in half an hour. My dad's waiting just a few meters away. ALL our bags is in the freakin' vehicle. I was panicking, screaming my lungs out inside. What the hell am I going to do?!

Then I remembered. We are supposed to meet Ma in an hour and we have extra keys BACK AT HOME! Now if I could just text her to get 'em. Bring the keys here. Wishing they are still at home, no traffic, and all this could be done in an hour without Dad knowing! Whew! Talk about MISYON IM-PO-SIB-LE.

But I had to do it. I walked frantically back to Dad. I looked like I just killed someone. Now I know what cold sweat is. I was pale and I don't know what to say. Dad noticed.

"Oh, bakit? Nakuha mo na ID mo?"

Should I spill? Or do I execute my oh-so-NOT-genius plan? 'Til next post.

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12:41 PM
2 Episode Reviews


Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm flooded with pain and confusion. I just could not deal with all of these. Really.

I'm leaving the country in 5 hours. Well, hoping to leave. Yet I could not feel the excitement. I just could not care anymore. I'm numbed by what's happening around me. The heat is making my life hell and I'm sooo stressed out.

I have another dilemma regarding my acads. I have two unfinished projects and an uncertain, dark future with an old enemy, Electricity. Man, I haaate this subject. Although I feel it's been pretty easy this sem, it's still a problem. It's evil I tell you. Evil.

It's really depressing how just last week I was unburdened by our Holy Supper and now, I'm back to my bad ways and I have to worry about tons of psybaggage. Now, I learned for a fact that:

So I'm giving up. Or more like giving in. That's my key to happiness from now on.

Pilipinas, kitakits in two weeks. I know it will all be better when I come back.

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4:40 PM
0 Episode Reviews

Grey's A Nut To Me

Friday, March 23, 2007

I just had to post this! It's freakin' hilarious:


1. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.
2. On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared.
3. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.
4. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.-- Yes, sometimes its true.
5. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.
6. Discharge status: Alive but without permission.
7. The patient refused autopsy.
8. The patient has no previous history of suicides.-- Yes. cuz prolly, the patient has had history of suicide attempts. Acceptable sa chart yan.
9. She is numb from her toes down.
10. While in ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home.
11. The skin was moist and dry.
12. Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.
13. Patient was alert and unresponsive.
14. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.
15. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce.
16. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.-- It prolly meant liver function, i think its just a clerical error. Pwede na yan sabihin sa husgado.
17. The patient was to have a bowel resection. However, he took a job as a stockbroker instead.
18. Skin: somewhat pale but present.
19. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

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11:13 AM
2 Episode Reviews

Snippet # 1: Make Over

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm on a mission this week.

Mayroon kaming Special Gathering sa church this coming Sunday so I have to get ready.

So in the coming days you will see me "transform" spiritually, mentally, "academically" and maybe, physically. Hehe. I'm not turning into a werewolf, but I need a total self overhaul. Lalayo muna ako sa mga tukso at kalayawan (ang lalim a) this week.

The thing is napaka-timely ng naiisip kong "pagbabago". Why?
So for the coming entries, snippets lang muna and updates ang mapopost ko. Hindi ko kasi ma-update lagi kung serious-mode yung posts. Hehe.

Now for some photos of KADBin after Master Minds '07 last Sunday:

Bakit ako lang naka-pose dito? Haha!

Now you know what I've been busy about for the past two years. :)

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10:15 AM
1 Episode Reviews

Like a Wheel

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Life that is.

Last week I was all beaten down by the unpredictable weather and shocked by deaths I could not even imagine. In short, that week's a downer. I already had the momentum. Only to lose it again. (whatever)

Now, I'm up for it (again). My sore throat's out, ended my medication, and have my schedule fully-booked 'til summer. :)

The Ninth?!

Ooooooh. I almost forgot. It's the Week of Luuuurve.

I for one, do not celebrate V-Day. Maybe it's all bitterness of being single. I repeat. Single.
Or maybe because I don't believe in saints. Believe it or not, the latter's most likely.

I actually do not feel alone or "empty" or even "incomplete" this week. Being single does not bother me. Yet. Well, except when people, particularly my friends, slam it to my face.

Last Sunday, our barkada had this reunion-slash-get together. We have not seen most of each other since New Year and that's a long time - if you live here in Bacoor. Everybody's got more busier from classes and OJT to land trips and Tagaytay. I thought it was just another "movie" party as we prepared to watch Jhossa's film (yes, she's an indie actress now. hehe).

Man, tragically, I was wrong.

Abe is with his girlfriend, Dada. Jhossa's with Mak. A certain someone is with her special someone (sorry. it's a "secret"). And Rochelle's coming... with Edmar!

What's worse than being the third wheel? It's being the freakin' NINTH WHEEL!

I felt like I was being beaten up in my own house. The funny thing is that, weeks before, I actually swore to everyone that if ever that happened, I will get a girlfriend. Immediately. Ha! Good luck sa 'yo pare! Haha!

Riding the Ferris

I'm actually all dressed up already for this year's UP FAIR! Woohoo! Rockestra, baby, here I come!

On A Roll

I hope I can still keep in touch with my blog this coming weeks since like I said, I will be really "booked up". To name a few, I will be hosting the Nationwide Math Wizard tomorrow, facilitate the STD (Student-Teacher Dialogue) this Monday, plan a reunion party for my elementary friends, finish a couple (make that three) of CS projects, and more KADBin activities. Whew! I need to catch my breath there.

Man, what I'm missing is a date. Bummer.

7:21 PM
3 Episode Reviews


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Man, I am sooo pissed.

I got stood up today. Three times.

What a waste of time, energy, and even "money" (as if I have it). Maybe I was born to be left alone or something. Or maybe it's just karma for my lack of punctuality the past year. But eventhough my overblown tardiness get into people's nerves, I was still present. And when I'm there, I'm there. I make my presence and even my absence count. Well, maybe because I'm the "leader", duh. A followerless leader, maybe. Why oh why do these often happen? Wala bang naaawa sa akin? I was even early today! Too early for my "regular" standards.

Time: 1030 hours

Got a District Meeting at DasmariƱas, Cavite. My "companion". Did. Not. Show. Up. Nor Call. Nor Text. Lovely.


Time: 1600 hours

Got a Visitation schedule. Man, I sent alot of Lahatxt to make it happen. Guess what? ZERO Attendance.


Time: 2000 hours

Got a weekly caucus schedule. A few came. And I mean FEW. Two, three, maybe. So we cancelled it. What a waste. Now I'm pissed.


I'll remember these times tomorrow. These kids need another wake-up call.


11:00 PM
2 Episode Reviews

Back in the Game

Sunday, January 21, 2007

At last, a whole new entry! It's been like what - 5 months? Whew!

It's been a pretty eventful and unforgettable new year. 2007 is actually looking bright from where I'm at. Alot have changed. Damn. New friends. Weight gain. Lessons learned. And a bunch of rediscovery and realization. Caroline once said to me that I'm being too senti and emo in my "writings". I wonder if I can change that this year. All I need is some spunk, spice, and everything nice. Bleh. Man, It's a slooow morning for me. Hehe.

Not that anyone care, but a few of my collegues might have noticed that I've been pretty much secluding myself from society. For the past weeks since classes started, I walked and wandered in isolation. I went home early everyday, missed genmeets, avoided tambay, even conversations took me much effort. And I lost all interest in texting! Imagine that. Maybe I just didn't have that "grand entrance to 2007" I was wishing for. So like what I said, time for rediscovery, readjustment, and reevaluation.

And man, did I discover alot. The more I got boring, the more new insights I absorb. Adjustments were rough. But I'm happy. Now I know I'm equipped with tools I need to "move on". How exciting. Heh.

For me, the new year starts here. NOW.

Happy new year, everyone.

7:36 AM
1 Episode Reviews


Philip Marco 'PEPz' Caballes

"Making Things Happen..."


1. Maintain a Good Blog Site.
2. Be More In Touch With Friends and Acquaintances.
3. Drive, Drive, Drive. More!
4. Be Healthy.
5. Participate more on Campus Extra-curricular Activities.
6. Preserve Priceless Moments with Photography.
7. Have a Complete and Cool Wardrobe.
8. Own a Kick-Ass Multimedia Collection.
9. Redesign Our New Room.
10. Start Singing Again.
11. Be An Early Bird.
12. Have Stable Finances.
13. Have a Very Good Reading List.
14. Be More Organized.
15. Make My Very First Dokyu.
16. Focus More On Academics
17. Practice Good Computer Science.
18. Learn Tennis.
19. Rejuvenate PNK Gardenia.
20. Strengthen KADBin's Leadership.
21. Have a Closer Relationship with God.



Mar 19 - KADBin Paint Job
Mar 20 - Geol 11 Exam
- Sleepover @ my house
Mar 22 - CS 120 Project Final Demo
- KADBin Execom Caucus
Mar 23 - Church Clean-Up Drive
- CS 165 Project Final Demo
Mar 24 - Day of the "Sabbath"
Mar 25 - Holy Supper
- KADBin Officers Meeting


June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007



Aivan, The Chiaroscuro
Cai, The Pink Urinal
Caroline, The Trying-Hard Miss Priss
Deng, The Star Diva
Emman, The Balbahutog
Eric, The Smart Talker
Gnihc, The Chubby Anorexic
Faith, The Canvas of Pop Artist
Franco, The Forgetful Francoman
Jean.Movie, The Anagramatic
Jem, The Experienced
Jen, The Exponentially Complex Iskolar
Kamille, The Raindrop Catcher
Keg, The Sexy Crissie
Len, The Blogger
Louis, Technofied
Mich, The Cosmochiq
Mishi, The Innocent Soul
Renz, The Brainfreeze
Roan, The Anti-Cueshe
Shiok, The Filipino Worker from Singapore
Starmometer, The Pop Culture Analyzer
Trish, The Carnaval
TristanJed, The Scrollbar
Unaiza, The Fifteenth Octoberian

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